MA Lawyer Helping Clients Climb Out of Debt

5 'must-haves' in a bankruptcy lawyerMassachusetts Debt Relief Lawyer Helping Clients Climb Out of Debt

No matter how hard you try, debt can be a roadblock to achieving your goals. Yet, with the aid of an experienced debt relief attorney, you can get the financial freedom you need to move forward and reach your dreams. A debt relief lawyer can help you negotiate settlements, create payment plans, and find other forms of debt relief that are best suited to your particular situation. With their knowledge and expertise, these attorneys can help you get the fresh start you need.

Our experienced team will help to assess your situation and develop a plan that will work for you. We will work to negotiate with your creditors to get them to agree to reduce or eliminate your debt. Don’t wait any longer – take the first steps toward financial freedom today by calling.

Who Should Seek Debt Relief?

Debt relief is generally targeted at those who are struggling to keep up with their unsecured debt payments, meaning those with consumer debt such as credit cards, medical bills, and personal loans. It is specifically designed for those who do not have the assets or income required to pay off their debts in full.

Debt relief can help people who are having difficulty keeping up with their minimum payments or paying the full amount, as it may lower debt balances and reduce monthly payments. It can also provide those with unmanageable debt an opportunity to become debt free.

Here are just a few more reasons you may need help:

  1. You are facing foreclosure or have already been through a foreclosure.
  2. Your wages are being garnished because of unpaid debts.
  3. You have a lot of credit card debt.
  4. You’ve recently become unemployed.
  5. You’ve been laid off.
  6. You have medical bills that you can’t pay.
  7. You are using a majority of your income to pay off debt rather than enjoy life.
  8. You have been served with a collections lawsuit.
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What Are Your Debt Relief Options?

Debt relief can take on many different forms, including:

1) Debt consolidation – this involves taking out a loan to pay off existing debts, leaving the borrower with a single monthly payment.

2) Debt settlement – this is a negotiation with creditors to lower the total amount owed.

3) Bankruptcy – this legal action can discharge most or all of a person’s debts.

4) Debt counseling – counselors can help people to create budgets and payment plans to reduce debt.

5) Credit counseling – credit counselors can help people evaluate their options for reducing debt and credit counseling agencies also may offer debt repayment plans and services.

By exploring various options, such as bankruptcy, debt settlement, debt consolidation, and loan modification, you can find a solution to help you get out of debt. Bankruptcy may be the most comprehensive debt relief solution, as it can eliminate your debt completely, while debt settlement, debt consolidation, and loan modification may all provide more manageable debt payment solutions.

Every person’s financial situation is distinct, so the debt relief choice that works for one individual may not be suitable for the next. This is why it is of the utmost importance to speak with an attorney about your situation. We never take an “every person is the same” standpoint when assisting our customers. Rather, we pay attention to detail when it comes to learning more about your individual problem, so we can form a tailored approach that is best for you. We can build an exclusive strategy that will send you on your way to accomplishing your financial objectives.

The Effects of Bankruptcy on Your Credit in Massachusetts

How to Protect Your Assets and avoid foreclosures in Bankruptcy in Massachusetts

The Benefits & Disadvantages of Filing Chapter 7 for Bankruptcy in Massachusetts

Learn the Steps for Filing for Bankruptcy in Springfield, Lynn, or Revere, MA

How to Choose the Best Bankruptcy Lawyer Near Massachusetts

Questions about bankruptcy?

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